Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb
I am Dewi Nur Halimah from Biology, Science and Mathematics Faculty, Diponegoro
University. Here, I want to share about my achievements during study in
Diponegoro University. Hopefully, it can help me to be selected as Indonesian
delegate in Thailand Village Academy 2019.
Getting GOLD MEDAL in IYIA (International Inventors Award) 2015. |
Getting GOLD MEDAL in IYIA (International Inventors Award) 2015, |
First Winner of National Sociopreneur Competition "Health in Campus"
at University of Indonesia 2014. |
Second Winner of National Science Paper Competition SIPPI (Semarak Inovasi
Perkembangan Pertanian Indonesia) 2013 held in IPB. |
econd Winner of National Science Paper Competition SIPPI (Semarak Inovasi
Perkembangan Pertanian Indonesia) 2013 held in IPB. |
Third Winner of Central Java Applied Engineering Competition
Held by RRI Semarang 2014 |
Selected as TOP 11 UNDIP delegation from 2500 UNDIP BIDIKMISI Students
in FORBIMINAS (Forum Bidikmisi Nasional) 2014 in Jakarta. |
Selected as TOP 11 UNDIP delegation from 2500 UNDIP BIDIKMISI Students
in FORBIMINAS (Forum Bidikmisi Nasional) 2014 in Jakarta. |
Selected as TOP 11 UNDIP delegation from 2500 UNDIP BIDIKMISI Students
in FORBIMINAS (Forum Bidikmisi Nasional) 2014 in Jakarta. |
Second Rank of Outstanding Student ( Mahasiswa Berprestasi) of
Science and Mathematics Faculty, Diponegoro University 2015. |
Granted of PKM-P (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa- Penelitian) 2014 funded in 2015 by DIKTI. |
Granted of PKM-P (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa- Penelitian) 2014 funded in 2015 by DIKTI. |
Granted of PKM-M (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa- Mengabdi) 2014 funded in 2015 by DIKTI. |
Selected as Top Seven of UNDIP Delegation in Biology Olympiad Competition 2015. |
Selected as Central Java Delegation in ICN (Indonesian Culture and Nationalism) Conference 2016. |
Selected as Central Java Delegation in ICN (Indonesian Culture and Nationalism) Conference 2016. |
Pointed as Speaker in "SCHOOL OF CHAMPION" Program, presented by FST (Forum Studi Teknik) 2016. |
Winner of PMW (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha) 2015. |
Finalist of MIU (Muslimah Inspiration UNDIP) 2015. |
Finalist of MIU (Muslimah Inspiration UNDIP) 2015. |
Pointed as Instructor of Orchid Tissue Culture Technology Training in BPTP (Balai Pengkajian
Teknologi Pertanian) in Batang 2013. |
Pointed as Instructor of Orchid Tissue Culture Technology Training in BPTP (Balai Pengkajian
Teknologi Pertanian) in Batang 2013. |
Finalist of PUTRI KARTINI UNDIP 2015. |
Finalist of PUTRI KARTINI UNDIP 2015. |
Finalist of PUTRI KARTINI UNDIP 2015. |
First Runner up of National Scientific Writing Competition in BIO-EXPO UNJA 2014 |
First Runner up of National Scientific Writing Competition in BIO-EXPO UNJA 2014 |
First Runner up of National Scientific Writing Competition in BIO-EXPO UNJA 2014. |
Participant of Debate TVOne 2013. |
Participant of UNDIP Debate Competition 2013. |
Participant of Diponegoro Science Debate Competition 2014. |
UNDIP Delegation on Business Exhibition at UNJ 2015. |
Selected as Top Ten UNDIP student Delegation in UBC (Undip Business Community)
held by Alumni UNDIP 2016 in Jakarta. |
Selected as Top Ten UNDIP Student Delegation in UBC (Undip Business Community)
held by Alumni UNDIP 2016 in Jakarta. |
Selected as Top Ten UNDIP Student Delegation in UBC (Undip Business Community)
held by Alumni UNDIP 2016 in Jakarta. |
Joining Research Project Between Dr. Hermin Pancasakti K, M.Si and
Professor Triwibowo Yuwono from Gajah Mada University. |
guys, all pictures above are about my achievements. I wish that I can be
selected as Indonesian delegate in Thailand Village Academy 2019. Hopefully, it can motivate and inspire you to be
outstanding student.
Wr. Wb.
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